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by jha last modified 2006-10-17 12:35 PM






Title of paper

Journal, conference, etc.

Vol. no./Page ref.


John Davies, C. Bussler, D. Fensel and R. Studer

The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. First European Semantic Web Symposium


Springer LNCS 3053

May 2004

Sofia Pinto, Steffen Staab, York Sure, Christoph Tempich

OntoEdit Empowering SWAP: a Case Study in Supporting DIstributed, Loosely-Controlled and evolvInG Engineering of oNTologies (DILIGENT)

C. Bussler and J. Davies and D. Fensel and R. Studer, First European Semantic Web Symposium, {ESWS 2004}, volume 3053 of LNCS. Springer, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

pp. 16-30

May 2004

Marc Ehrig, York Sure

Ontology Mapping - An Integrated Approach

Christoph Bussler, John Davies, Dieter Fensel, Rudi Studer, Proceedings of the First European Semantic Web Symposium, volume 3053 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, Heraklion, Greece.

pp. 76-91

May 2004

Jos de Bruijn, Holger Lausen 

Active Ontologies for Data Source Queries

1st European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS2004)


May 2004

Poblet, Marta

Casanovas, Pompeu

Spanish Report on Law, Justice and Social Change in the 21st Century

Worshop on Law, Justice and Social Change in the 21st Century


3rd – 4th June  2004, IISL Oñati

Christoph Tempich, Sofia Pinto, Steffen Staab, York Sure

A case study in supporting DIstributed, Loosely-Controlled and evolvInG Engineering of oNTologies (DILIGENT)

K. Tochtermann and H. Maurer, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management {(I-KNOW'04),. Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS), Graz, Austria

pp. 225-232

June 2004

Christoph Schmitz, Steffen Staab, Christoph Tempich

Socialisation in Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Management

K. Tochtermann and H. Maurer, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management {(I-KNOW'04). Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS), Graz, Austria.

pp. 35-42

June 2004

K. Bontcheva (University of Sheffield)

Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Knowledge Access: State of the Art Review

DCS Technical Report


June 2004

Y. Li, K. Bontcheva, H. Cunningham

An SVM based machine learning algorithm for Information Extraction

Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag



Aleksander Pivk  (JSI), Philipp Cimiano, York Sure  (UKARL)


From Tables to Frames


Technical Report , Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe.



July 2004

Jens Hartmann, York Sure (UKARL)


A Knowledge Discovery Workbench for the Semantic Web


Workshop on Mining for and from the Semantic Web at the ACM SIGKDD.


August 2004

H. Sofia Pinto, Christoph Tempich (UKARL), Steffen Staab, York Sure  (UKARL)

DILIGENT: Towards a fine-grained methodology for DIstributed, Loosely-controlled and evolvInG Engingeering of oNTologies

Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004)


22nd – 27th August 2004

Contreras, J. (iSOCO);  Benjamins, V.R. (iSOCO);

Blázquez, M. (iSOCO); Losada, S. ; Salla, R. (iSOCO); Navarro, D.; Sevilla,J. (iSOCO); Casillas, A.; Mompó, A.;  Paton, D.; Rodrigo, L.; Tena, P.; Martos, I.

International Affairs Portal: A Semantic Web Application

ECAI Workshop on application of Semantic Web Technologies to Web Communities.

pp. 96-110

22nd - 27th  August 2004

Philipp Cianiano, Aleksander Pivk, Lars Schmidt-Thieme, Stefen Staab

Learning taxonomic relations from heterogeneous evidence.

ECAI 2004 Workshop on Ontology learning and population

Workshop proc.

23rd-27th August 2004

Nick Kings (BT)

Knowledge Sharing using Semantic Web Technologies

1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the (Semantic) Web. Galway, Ireland

pp. 174-181

1st-2nd September 2004

Sudhir Agarwal, Peter Haase

Process-Based Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources

Proceedings of Semantische Technologien für Informationsportal, National Conference Informatik 2004


September 2004

Contreras, J. (iSOCO);  Benjamins, V.R. (iSOCO);

Blázquez, M. (iSOCO); Losada, S. ; Salla, R. (iSOCO); Navarro, D.; Sevilla,J. (iSOCO); Casillas, A.; Mompó, A.;  Paton, D.; Corcho O., Tena, P.; Martos, I.

A Semantic Portal for the International Affairs Sector.

EKAW’04 14th International Conference on

Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management

pp. 203-215

5th - 8th October 2004

Tim Glover

A framework for device independence

W3C Workshop on Metadata for Content Adaptation, Dublin.


12th-13th October 2004

Miha Grčar

User profiling: collaborative filtering

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Miha Grčar

User profiling: web usage mining

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenić

Visualization of news articles

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Blaž Fortuna

String kernels

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Blaž Fortuna

Kernel canonical correlation analysis with applications

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Blaž Novak

A survey of focused web crawling algorithms

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Blaž Novak

Use of unlabeled data in supervised machine learning

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Janez Brank, Jure Leskovec

Machine learning on sets of documents connected in graphs

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Janez Brank

Drawing graphs using simulated annealing and gradient descent

SiKDD 2004

Proc. of Multi-conference IS-2004

12th – 15th October 2004

Aleksander Pivk, Philipp Cianiano, York Sure

From Tables to Frames

ISWC 2004

Proc. of Internationa conference

7th-11th November 2004

Paul Warren

Semantic Knowledge Technology – the Next Stage in Knowledge Productivity

Proceedings of the Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media

pp. 335-342

November 2004

Tim Glover & John Davies

Knowledge Delivery over Multiple Devices

Ubiquitous Computing & the Semantic Web, Third International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, 2004


November 2004

Peter Haase, Jeen Broekstra, Andreas Eberhart, Raphael Volz

A comparison of RDF query languages

Proceedings of the Third International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, 2004


November 2004

Peter Haase, Sudhir Agarwal, York Sure

Service-Oriented Semantic Peer-to-Peer Systems.

Web Information Systems Engineering -- Workshop Proceedings

Springer 2004

22nd November, Brisbane, Australia

V. Richard Benjamins, Pompeu

Casanovas, Jesús

Contreras, Mercedes

Blázquez, Luis

Rodrigo, Marta


The SEKT Legal Case Components Ontology and Architecture

17th Annual conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (Jurix 2004)


8th-10th December Berlin, Germany

Andreas Hotho, York Sure, Lise Getoor.


A Workshop Report: Mining for and from the Semantic Web

KDD 2004 . ACM SIGKDD Explorations 6 (2):

pp. 142-143

December 2004

Marc Ehrig , Peter Haase, Nenad Stojanovic, Mark Hefke

Similarity for Ontologies - a Comprehensive Framework

Workshop Enterprise Modelling and Ontology: Ingredients for Interoperability, at PAKM 2004


December 2004


Pompeu Casanovas

 “Derecho, Internet y Web Semántica.”

Derecho a la intimidad y nuevas tecnologías, published by Consejo General del Poder Judicial  (Spanish Judicial General Council), Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial. Madrid

pp. 11-38

December 2004

K. Bontcheva, V. Tablan, D. Maynard, H. Cunningham

Evolving GATE to Meet New Challenges in Language Engineering

Natural Language Engineering

10(3/4): 349-373


Dunja Mladenić, Marko Grobelnik

Mapping documents onto Web page ontology


In book “Web Mining: from Web to Semantic Web”



Christoph Tempich (UKARL), S. Pinto, Steffen Staab, York Sure (UKARL)


A case study in supporting DIstributed, Loosely-Controlled and evolvInG Engineering of oNTologies (DILIGENT)

In K. Tochtermann and H. Maurer, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW'04).


pp. 225-232


Atanas Kiryakov, Borislav Popov, Damyan Ognyanoff, Dimitar Manov, Angel
Kirilov, Ivan Terziev

Semantic Annotation, Indexing, and Retrieval

Elsevier's Journal of Web Semantics

Vol. 1, ISWC2003 special issue (2),


Huang, van Harmelen, ten Teije

A framework for reasoning with inconsistent ontologies

ESWC 2005



Huang, van Harmelen, ten Teije

Reasoning with inconsistent ontologies

IJCAI 2005



V. Richard Benjamins, Jesús Contreras, Mercedes

Blázquez, Luis Rodrigo, Pompeu Casanovas, Marta  Poblet

The SEKT use case components: ontology  and architecture I”

Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Tom Gordon (Ed.), IOS Press, Amsterdam

pp. 69-77



Seminars, Tutorials and Posters







Casanovas, Pompeu

Derecho, internet y web semántica

Course “Internet y derecho a la intimidad” (organized by the Higher Council of the Judiciary), Madrid


3rd May 2004

York Sure

Tutorial: Introduction to the Semantic Web

European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS’04)


9th -13th May 2004

H. Cunningham, K. Bontcheva, V. Tablan, D. Maynard (All University of Sheffield)

Tutorial on Human Language Technology and the Semantic Web

European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS’04)


9th – 13th May 2004

Marko Grobelnik & Dunja Mladenic

Tutorial on Knowledge Discovery and the Semantic Web

European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS’04)


9th – 13th May 2004

Casanovas, Pompeu

Desarrollos de Internet

Presentación del portal Iusimpresa de la Universidad de Lecce (Italia), Barcelona (UAB School of Law)


10th May 2004

John Davies

Semantic Web Seminar

Semantic Web: Next Generation Web Services & Knowledge Management, Unicom Seminars, London, May 2004,


26th May 2004

R. Traphöner

The creation and management of knowledge databases

Regular IIR Training for IT professionals


May 2004
July 2004
October 2004

Casanovas, Pompeu

Firma digital y web semántica

Mesa redonda Facultad de Derecho UAB, Barcelona (UAB School of Law)


4th June 2004

York Sure, Oscar Corcho, Jerome Euzenat, and Todd Hughes


EON2004 - Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools 3rd International Workshop

3rd International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2004


8th November 2004

York Sure, Daniel Oberle, and Debbie Richards


Intelligent Networked and Mobile Systems

International Workshop


5th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering WISE 2004


22nd-24th November 2004


Casanovas, Pompeu

Image, Droit et Comission

Paris 2004


November 2004

John Davies

The Semantic Web and Knowledge Management

Online Information 2004 conference, London


1st December 2004








Title of paper

Journal, conference, etc.

Vol. no./Page ref.


V. Richard Benjamins, Pompeu Casanovas, Joost Breuker, Aldo Gangemi

Law and the Semantic Web: Legal Ontologies, Methodologies, Legal Information Retrieval, and Applications.



January -February 2005

Denny Vrandecic, Peter Haase, Pascal Hitzler, York Sure, Rudi Studer

DLP - An introduction

Technical Report , AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe


February 2005

M. Grcar,

D. Mladenic,

M. Grobelnik

Applying collaborative filtering to real0life corporate data.

Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society

pp. 143

9th – 11th March 2005

Fortuna, B.

Grobelnik, M. Mladenic, D.